
The Sunday morning worship experience begins at 10 am in our sanctuary.
We'll begin with a time of powerful praise and worship lifting our hearts and voices to give honor and glory to the Creator of the universe.
Pastor Anthony then gives a dynamic and relevant message that will encourage you to go deeper in your walk with God.
Your children are always welcome to stay in the service with you.
We also have a room for parents and babies ages 0-2 to view the service where they can care for their little ones and allow them to play.
For children, ages 3-5, we offer a Pre-K class with playtime, worship, a Bible lesson, and activities.

​On the first Sunday of each month, you're invited to EPICENTER PRAYER.
This monthly prayer service begins at 7 pm.
We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm for DEVOTED.
This is our midweek service with fellowship, worship, teaching, and prayer.
This is currently on break until January 24th.
On the third Monday of March, May, July, and September, our MEN'S CONNECT GROUP meets downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. It is a night of food, fellowship, and a devotion.
Our LADIES CONNECT GROUP meets once a month at various times. See the calendar and events page for upcoming events!
On Wednesday nights, during our Devoted service, students in 1st - 6th grade meet for JUNIOR BIBLE QUIZ.
This is a fun way to learn Bible stories and concepts. There are 3-5 meets each season where they will compete against other churches and have the opportunity to show themselves and others just how much they've learned.
If your child is interested in joining the team next season, please see Angelia.​​​​
On fourth Friday nights, from 7-9 pm, youth and young adults, ages 12 and up meet for YOUTH NIGHT.
In an atmosphere where they can belong, this night is designed to help students grow
their faith, their character, and their relationships.